is an art gallery/curatorial umbrella founded in 2022, with an office space (Annex/Cointelpro) in Chicago's Albany Park neighborhood, and a vitrine (Hole) in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood. The gallery's program focuses around first presentations of ambitious and challenging work in a site-responsive and collaborative manner, alongside exhibition-specific ephemera.
Directed by Milo Christie and Sam Dybeck.
a little, left over
September 28th, 2023 - October 22nd, 2023
Garrett Lockhart is an artist and letter carrier
investigating the home. the body. and the heart.
Recent solo exhibitions include Relay at Pumice
Raft (Toronto. CA) and Wrought Bundle at
Afternoon Projects (Vancouver, CA). Recent
duo/group exhibitions include Doing Time at
South Parade (London, UK). Dawn Draws. Dusk
Drops at Joys (Toronto. CA). A word for underfoot:
the sun at Hunt Gallery (Toronto. CA). and Poem
Objects at April April (Brooklyn. USA). They will
show in a group exhibition at Susan Hobbs
(Toronto. CA) and exhibit a new work on paper at
Frida (Singapore) in early 2024.
Jessica Zawadowicz is an artist living and
working in Chicago. IL. She is looking around.
towards. and at the world and her surroundings
for things that she trusts and relies on. allowing
for associations to take place and take shape.
Zawadowicz received a BFA from The University
of the Arts in 2019 and an MFA from the School
of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2023. She eats
potatoes frequently.
Press Release
Patience; Patina
In the great conflagration of logic and expression that is sometimes attributed to working in the studio, we recede into ourselves and reach for that which is completely constant. This is easy. Sometimes. Is there a more practical way to deal with an intangible issue than to call on the tangible and stable in the hopes it may freeze the quandary in place? The use of the word recede is not accidental, as we all sleep foetal sometimes. What might I rely on? I rely on skill, to do a thing, to solve a problem. I want to get better at dancing. I rely on my athleticism. I need a dancing partner. I rely on my friend. There is a give and take to reliance. Does this work when relying on one’s body? The transaction is in this case discipline, or ironically, practice. Practice is trust in a trenchcoat with a time machine, where we trust our past self to have to done the work to get us where we are, correctly. Conversely, anything we do now we could rely on later, somehow, anyhow. This is easy. Sometimes. The second part is harder, in the same way receding has a negative connotation. Why is that, because it’s a step closer to disappearance? I trust I won’t wither away. I rely on my body, and feel it fully extended.
Gravity; Toes
Installation ViewJessica Zawadowicz, Up, 2023. Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal, Sticks, Sea Glass, Pastel on Canvas, 71"x71"Installation ViewInstallation ViewDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailInstallation ViewGarrett Lockhart, Flashback, 2023. Cotton Shirts, Postal Shirt (Patches and Labels Removed), C-print Buttons, Armani Si, Metal Clips, Aircraft Cable. Dimensions Variable.DetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailInstallation ViewInstallation ViewInstallation ViewJessica Zawadowicz, my shoe and a stone, 2023. Croc, Stone, Gesso on Panel, Panel is 8" x 16"Installation ViewDetailDetailDetailDetailJessica Zawadowicz, potato and a stone , 2023. Spudding Potato, Stone, Glue on Panel, Panel is 8" x 16"Installation ViewInstallation ViewDetailDetailDetailInstallation ViewInstallation ViewInstallation ViewJessica Zawadowicz, Todays, 2023, Sticks, Rock, Pastel and Graphite on Burlap, 8" x 10"Installation ViewInstallation ViewDetailDetailDetailDetailInstallation ViewJessica Zawadowicz, piles, pieces & stacks, 2023. Oil, Stones, Chocolate-covered Raisins on Panel, 12" x 16"Installation ViewInstallation ViewDetailDetailDetail