is an art gallery/curatorial umbrella founded in 2022, with an office space (Annex/Cointelpro) in Chicago's Albany Park neighborhood, and a vitrine (Hole) in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood. The gallery's program focuses around first presentations of ambitious and challenging work in a site-responsive and collaborative manner, alongside exhibition-specific ephemera.
Directed by Milo Christie and Sam Dybeck.
Miniotics (Hosting Pop Gun, NYC) Too Many People
March 13th, 2025 - April 13th, 2025
Aaron Pierce, Abby Lloyd, Allegra Harvard, Alyssa Davis, Andrea Emmerich, Andrew Basinski, Andrew Laumann, Andrew Straub, Ari Norris, Baijun Chen, Ben Foch, Benjamin Scott, Bora Akinciturk, Braden Skelton, Bradley Milligan, Brian Oakes, Cameron Spratley x Maxwell Volkman, Camila Astorquiza, Camilo Medina, Chance Lucy, Chloe Seibert, Chloe Wilcox, Chris Retsina, Christine Tien Wang, Christopher Gambino, CJ Shaw, Cole Denyer, Cole Levya, Cumwizard69420, Dahlia Bloomstone, Danny Sobor, Daphne Knouse, Darius Airo, David Colosi, Dean Millien, Delaney Rua, Diego Groisman, Drew Villanueva, Elberto Muller, Erik Foss, Francesca Facciola, Gabriel Rozzell, Gloria Sebastian Fierro Castro, Grace Bromley, Gregory Simmons II, Gunner Dongieux, Gwen Smith, Hale Jones, Harrison Wyrick, Helen Hawkins, Henry Gunderson, Hugo Zelada Romero, Jackie Klein, Jacob Ciocci, Jacob Jackmauh, Jacob Lay, Jacob Patrick Brooks, Jahi Kijo Lendor, Jake Fagundo, Jared Hoffmann, Jeff Egner, Jeremy McBrian, Jerome Wang, Joey Frank, Johnson y Jeisson, Jon Burgerman, Jonathan Dedecker, Jonathan Leib, José G. Rivera, Joshua Abelow, Joshua Boulos, Joy Lane, Juliana Vargas Zapata, Juni Mun, Justin Ortiz x Jacob Mattingly, Karla Zurita, Kati Kirsch, Kaylee Spears, Kelsa Kuchera, Kristen Landsman, Kyle Gallahger, Lauren Sullivan, Leonardo Ascencio, Liam Murray, Liza Jo Eilers, Luca Forte, Lucas Bourgine, Lucas Flanders, Madeline Bach, Madeline Leplae, Maite Iribarren Vazquéz, Marcus Wagner, Mark E. Oybeleté, Mary Amelia, Mary Sellers, Matt Voor, Max Palmer, Milly Skellington & Jin Mateo Kim, Naoki Sutter-Shudo, Nick Jorgensen, Nick Schutzenhofer, Olivia Oyamada, Parker Davis, Pastiche Lumumba, Patrick Sarmiento, Peter Carney, Peter Eide, Phillip Hinge, Rachel Yanku, Reece Francis Perkins, Richard Hull, Ruby Zarsky, Ryan Mettz, Sam Linguist, Sasha Fishman, Scott Reeder, Shelley Uckotter, Stephanie Cora Hayden, Tarik Kentouche, TD Reade, Terry Cole, Tess Manhattan, Tom Kohler, Trevor Shimizu, Trinity Bavaria, Tyler Dobson, Tyson Reeder, Violet Handforth, Visaya Hoffie, Wesley Ware, Will Kaplan, William Reed, Wyatt Davis, Xingzi Gu, Yusef Fageeh, Zach Harrington, Zander Raymond, Zola Rollins.
Press Release
Pop Gun is pleased to announce MINIOTICS, an upcoming off-site exhibition at Weatherproof, opening March 13.
MINIOTICS presents a synaptic mapping of Pop Gun’s art-world; Nodes of international artists are connected in a schematic display of social and institutional vectors, advancing the discourse of Network Painting, and rendering physical the resinous scaffolds of social labor.
On the surface, the exhibition will appear as 130+ MINIONS, ranging from literal yellow henchmen from the ‘Despicable Me’ franchise, to conceptual gestures. Artists from New York City to Chicago, to San Francisco, Providence, Guadalajara, Melbourne, Bogotá, Stockholm and more, speak to common experience in minionese, contextualizing the “banana” babblings of scene discourse within an absurdist world-wide scheme.
Curated by Gunner Dongieux and Trinity Bavaria